Pour ajouter Fpdf à laravel
To your composer.json file, add:
"require-dev": { "anouar/fpdf": "dev-master" }
Then update your Laravel project,
composer update
If not already installed laravel framework use,
composer install
Then go to app/config/app.php and to the providers array add,
Now it’s look like,
'providers' => array( // ... 'Anouar\Fpdf\FpdfServiceProvider', )
Finally, add the alias to app/config/app.php, within the aliases array.
'aliases' => array( // ... 'Fpdf' => 'Anouar\Fpdf\Facades\Fpdf', )
Now you can use Fpdf anywhere like,
In app/routes.php
Route::get('pdf', function(){ Fpdf::AddPage(); Fpdf::SetFont('Arial','B',16); Fpdf::Cell(40,10,'Hello World!'); Fpdf::Output(); exit; });
Then test it with your url like,
You can see the Packagist https://packagist.org/packages/anouar/fpdf
And the GitHub Repo here https://github.com/xroot/laravel-fpdf