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devweb:jquery:agrandir_pre_hover (lu 32577 fois)

Agrandir div onMouseOver

function log(s) {
    if (window.console && window.console.log)
jQuery(document).ready (
    function () {
        // By default, <pre> should be styled "overflow: auto"
        // so as to degrade gracefully if Javascript is unavailable
                        zIndex: "100",
                        position: "relative",
                        overflow: "hidden"
        // We could precalculate the widths and store them in the <pre> object
        // but browser font size change would invalidate them and there is
        // no builtin onfontsizechange event in Javascript. 
        // (It is possible to simulate it, but that would create more overhead.)
            function() {
                var desiredWidth = 0;
                jQuery(this).children().each(function() {
                    var w = jQuery(this).width()
                    log("this.width = "+w)
                    if (w > desiredWidth) desiredWidth = w
//                var desiredWidth = jQuery("code", this).width() + 10;
                if (!this.resetToWidth) {
                    this.resetToWidth = jQuery(this).width();
                if (desiredWidth > this.resetToWidth) {
                        .stop(true, false)
                            width: desiredWidth + "px"
            function() {
                jQuery(this).stop(true, false).animate({
                    width: this.resetToWidth + "px"

Vu ici ⇒ http://blog.dmitryleskov.com/small-hacks/pushing-files-from-windows-to-linuxunix-hosts-with-cwrsync/

devweb/jquery/agrandir_pre_hover.txt · Dernière modification: 23-06-2013 18:05 de edmc73