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wiki:bacasable (lu 21137 fois)

Bac à sable

le BBcode marche aussi test de gras en bbcode couleur rouge en bbcode

test test

Voici un exemple de note


un exemple de note importante


un exemple de note tuyau


et un exemple de note bloquante

un exemple de code php

  echo "ca pue!";
// de fab: t'avais oublié le "$" nom de dieu !  
  echo "on est vraiment dedans...";


The syntax wraps any ditaa formatted ASCII flowchart into <ditaa></ditaa> tags. The opening tag can have several additional optional parameters (see below).

<ditaa [optional parameters]>
... (some ditaa-code) ...


Parameter Default Description
width=<num> width=0 Rescale the final image to this width. When set to 0, diita will choose the needed width and no rescaling is done.
height=<num> height=0 Same as above but for height. Only works when a width is given as well
<num>x<num> 0x0 Combines the above parameters into one. That’s a lowercase x!
<float>X 1.0X Tells ditaa to scale the image. Eg. 2.0X makes the final image twice as big. That’s an uppercase X
(no)round noround Enable or disable round corners for all boxes
(no)shadow shadow Enable or disable box shadows
(no)antialias antialias Enable or disable antialiasing
(no)edgesep edgesep Enable or disabling the separation of box edges where boxes directly touch
left center right Align the image to the left, center or right. Default does no alignment (inline)

Possible tags

Not all shape selector tags are documented on the ditaa site. A quick source scan revealed:

tag Description
{c} decision(Choice)
{d} document
{io} input/output, parallelogram
{mo} manual operation
{o} ellipse, circle
{s} storage
{tr} trapezoid (looks like an inverted {mo} )


<ditaa round noedgesep>
    +--------+   +-------+    +-------+
    |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
    |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
    |Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
    |     {d}|   |       |    |       |
    +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
        :                         ^
        |       Lots of work      |

<ditaa round noedgesep>

  +--------+   +-------+    +-------+
  |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
  |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
  |Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
  |     {d}|   |       |    |       |
  +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
      :                         ^
      |       Lots of work      |


<ditaa round noedgesep> /—-\ /—-\

c33F cC02

\—-/ \—-/

/—-\ /—-\

c1FF c1AB

\—-/ \—-/ </ditaa>

<ditaa round noedgesep> /—————–\

Things to do
o Cut the grass
o Buy jam
o Fix car
o Make website

\—————–/ </ditaa>

<ditaa round> /–\/–\/–\ v

++ ++

cDB6 | |{o}| | |{c}|{s}| | | /—-\ | |{tr}| |{mo}|{io}| | |{d}| | |c733| | +—-+—+—-+—-+—+—+—+ +-+—-+-+ +——-+ +——-+ | | +———+ |cFDA | |{c} | |eat cFF8 + |wake up+–>+hungry?+—>|breakfast| | {o} | | cDBF |Y +—-+—-+ +——-+ | | | +—+—+ v |N +———–+ +——→| save c9FB | | planet{mo}| +———–+ /———————–\ | ditaa | | /- /\ +\/+ +\ | +- | |
++ |\/| +/ | +- | | -/ || | | | +- +- | | cDEF {o} | \———————–/ </ditaa> ==== Test ==== <ditaa round> +——–+ | Aroun Thasief | | | | | +——-+ </ditaa>

wiki/bacasable.txt · Dernière modification: 04-04-2013 22:06 (modification externe)