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linux:mysql (lu 65410 fois)

Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !



wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl/master/mysqltuner.pl
perl mysqltuner.pl

Y’a plus qu’a corriger les valeurs des variables qu’il suggère et faire un restart de mysql ;)

A voir le paquet php5-mysqlnd qui est un client mysql natif qui est optimisé par mysql pour mysql

Quelques commandes

Pour voir toutes les variables

mysqladmin variables -p
mysql> show variables;
mysql> show global variables like 'log_output';

Pour voir les status

mysql> show status;

Pour vérifier vos fichiers de config avant de redémarrer le service mysql

mysqld --help


mysqld --verbose --help | head

Process list

mysql>show processlist;

Kill process

mysql>kill "number from first col";


Sauvegarder une base

mysqldump -u user -p nom_de_la_base > backup.sql

Sauvegarder toutes les tables avec un prefix

mysqldump -h hostname -u user -p $(mysql nom_de_la_base -h hostname -u user -p -Bse 'show tables like"phpbb\_%"') > dump_phpbb_.sql


mysql -u user -p nom_de_la_base < backup.sql

Script PERL pour extraire une table d’un dump SQL

#!/usr/bin/perl -s -wnl
#extract a single table from a mysql dump
    $table or warn
    "Usage: $0 -table=TABLE_TO_EXTRACT mysqldumpfile.sql"
    and exit 1;
/^DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`/ .. /^UNLOCK TABLES;$/ and print;

Logguer les requêtes en temps réel ponctuellement

Se connecter à mysql

mysql -h localhost -u root -p

Vérifier la config des logs

mysql> show global variables like 'log_output';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_output    | FILE  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global variables like 'general_log_file';
| Variable_name    | Value                      |
| general_log_file | /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global variables like 'general_log';
| Variable_name | Value |
| general_log   | OFF   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Activer les logs

mysql> set global general_log='ON';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

Désactiver les logs

mysql> set global general_log='OFF';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Puis consulter votre fichier de log (ex:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.log)

Faire un backup via un script php

$host = 'localhost';
$db = 'maBase';
$password = 'p4ssW0rD';
$user = 'root';
echo "Votre base est en cours de sauvegarde.......
system("mysqldump --host=$host --user=$user --password=$password $db > $db.sql");
echo "C'est fini. Vous pouvez récupérer la base par FTP";

Plein d’exemples de codes de backup et restauration sur ⇒ http://vitobotta.com/smarter-faster-backups-restores-mysql-databases-with-mysqldump/

Percona XtraBackup

A tester ⇒ https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-hot-backups-of-mysql-databases-with-percona-xtrabackup-on-ubuntu-14-04

Permet des backups à chaud sans perte en copiant directement les fichiers de mysql et en appliquant les transactions en cours.

Les slow query

Afin d’identifier les requêtes qui prennent du temps, activer les slow_query

log_slow_queries        = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
long_query_time = 1 # pour logguer les requêtes qui prennet plus d'une seconde

Ensuite, utiliser l’utilitaire mysqldumpslow pour analyser le log.

# mysqldumpslow /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

Reading mysql slow query log from /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
Count: 8  Time=11.45s (91s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=2.1 (17), INF[INF]@localhost
  select `process_id` from `dashboard_log` left join `dashboard_process` on `process_id` = `dashboard_process`.`id` where `dashboard_process`.`id` is null group by `process_id` order by `process_id` asc

Count: 2  Time=7.05s (14s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1.0 (2), zabbix[zabbix]@localhost
  SELECT hu.itemid,AVG(hu.value) AS avg,MIN(hu.value) AS min,MAX(hu.value) AS max,MAX(hu.clock) AS clock FROM history_uint hu WHERE hu.itemid='S' AND hu.clock>='S' AND hu.clock<='S' GROUP BY hu.itemid

Count: 1  Time=5.43s (5s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=557.0 (557), root[root]@localhost

Count: 8  Time=4.34s (34s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=2.1 (17), INF[INF]@localhost
  select `process_id` from `dashboard_events` left join `dashboard_process` on `process_id` = `dashboard_process`.`id` where `dashboard_events`.`deleted_at` is null and `dashboard_process`.`id` is null group by `process_id` order by `process_id` asc

Count: 11  Time=1.27s (13s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1.0 (11), INF[INF]@localhost
  select count(*) as aggregate from `dashboard_log` where `process_id` = 'S'

Count: 11  Time=1.08s (11s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=59.0 (649), INF[INF]@localhost
  SELECT MAX( started_at ) as started_at, process_id, `order`
  FROM dashboard_events D
  INNER JOIN dashboard_page_process C
  USING ( process_id )
  where page_id=N
  GROUP BY process_id
  ) A INNER JOIN dashboard_events B USING (started_at,process_id) ORDER BY A.order

Count: 1  Time=1.03s (1s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=2.0 (2), INF[INF]@localhost
  select `dashboard_events`.`id` as `id`, `etat`, `etape`, `process_id`, `started_at`, `updated_at`, `commentaire`, `erreur`, `nbr_log` from `dashboard_events` left join `dashboard_process` on `dashboard_events`.`process_id` = `dashboard_process`.`id` where `dashboard_events`.`deleted_at` is null and `etape` < 'S' order by `created_at` asc


Une requête intégressante



Sur le lien ci-dessous, des scripts permettant d’automatiser la création et la purge de partition de type date



Après avoir lancé une optimization puis violemment killé la requete en cours, la table était inaccessible …

Starting MySQL database server: mysqld.
Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables..
ERROR 144 (HY000) at line 1: Table 'dashboard_log' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
# myisamchk dashboard_log
Checking MyISAM file: dashboard_log
Data records:  654724   Deleted blocks:       0
myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed and last repair failed
- check file-size
myisamchk: warning: Size of indexfile is: 275469312      Should be: 25405440
- check record delete-chain
- check key delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check data record references index: 2
- check data record references index: 3
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 5773841      Should be: 654724
myisamchk: warning: Found 484145612 deleted space.   Should be 0
myisamchk: warning: Found    1581466 deleted blocks       Should be: 0
myisamchk: warning: Found    8799790 key parts. Should be: 654724
MyISAM-table 'dashboard_log' is corrupted
Fix it using switch "-r" or "-o"
# myisamchk -r -v dashboard_log
- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table 'dashboard_log'
Data records: 654724
- Fixing index 1
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 147793 keys
  - Merging 5773841 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys
- Fixing index 2
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 139720 keys
  - Merging 5773841 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys
- Fixing index 3
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 2604 keys
  - Merging 5773841 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys
Data records: 5773841

Ca remarche ! et meme à chaud sans redémarrer mysql !

linux/mysql.1556033537.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 23-04-2019 17:32 de edmc73