Une belle doc en français ⇒ https://lea-linux.org/documentations/systemd
— source: https://www.linuxtricks.fr/wiki/utiliser-journalctl-les-logs-de-systemd
comme tail -f
journalctl -f
Filtrer par service
journalctl -u crond
Lister les timers
systemctl list-timers --all
Exemple d’un timer
certbot.timer will execute the certbot.service at 12 am and 12 pm.
# cat /lib/systemd/system/certbot.timer [Unit] Description=Run certbot twice daily [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 00,12:00:00 RandomizedDelaySec=3600 Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target
Script venant de l’install par centos
[Unit] Description=This is the timer to set the schedule for automated renewals [Timer] OnCalendar=daily RandomizedDelaySec=6hours Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target
and certbot.service will execute the renew command.
# cat /lib/systemd/system/certbot.service [Unit] Description=Certbot Documentation=file:///usr/share/doc/python-certbot-doc/html/index.html Documentation=https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/certbot -q renew PrivateTmp=true
Script venant de l’install par centos
[Unit] Description=This service automatically renews any certbot certificates found [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/certbot Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/certbot renew $PRE_HOOK $POST_HOOK $RENEW_HOOK $CERTBOT_ARGS
Surtout de pas oublier d’activer ce timer
systemctl enable certbot-renew.timer systemctl start certbot-renew.timer systemctl status certbot-renew.timer